Deportation ban - When deportation is not permittet

Part 3 of our series: The refugee and information advice in the spotligth

In part 3 of our series, we look at the ban on deportation / prohibition of deportation, one of four forms of protection in Germany that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - BAMF for short - examines for every asylum application:

  1. Eligibility for asylum
  2. refugee protection  
  3. Ban on deportation / Prohibition of deportation 
  4. Subsidiary protection

Prohibition of deportation: National bans on deportation apply if deportation would result in a violation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or if there is a significant concrete danger to life, limb or freedom. In some countries, for example, medical care is so poor that a return to the home country would mean no treatment for a serious illness. The residence permit is valid for at least one year and can also be extended.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are there for you with three advice centers in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Murnau and Mittenwald. Mail to: