Right to asylum - Who has it?

Part 2 of our series: The refugee and information advice in the spotlight

In the second part of our series, we look at the right to asylum, which is one of four forms of protection in Germany that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - BAMF for short - examines for every asylum application:

  1. The right to asylum
  2. Refugee protection
  3. Prohibition of deportation
  4. Subsidiary protection

The right to asylum: People who are politically persecuted in their home country have a right to asylum. This applies if they would be exposed to a serious violation oftheir human rights in their country of origin. Reasons can be: skin color, nationality, political conviction, religion or their membership of a particular social group. It is checked whether this is the case in the event of return. In principle, only persecution by the state of the respective country is taken into account. Emergency situations such as poverty, the economic situation or civil wars do not qualify for asylum.
Residence is initially granted for three years.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we have three advice centers in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Murnau & Mittenwald. 
Mail to: integrationsberatung@remove-this.skf-garmisch.de